Workshop about cultivation of organic soybeans
On the 10th of September 2020 ÖMKi organized a workshop in Püski and Győrsövényház, focusing on the cultivation of organic soybeans.
organic agriculture, soy, organic soy, soybean, organic soybean cultivation
DetailsChoose ORGANIC! Choose local!
Outstanding Hungarian producers and produce in the service of organic farming
ömki, organic farming, organic food, organic agriculture, organic soy, organic winery, organic vegetable
DetailsProfessional Forum on Organic Soybean Cultivation
ÖMKi has established a goal of developing sustainable, low-input, organic soybean production in a project implemented with the support of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the practical implementation of which started in 2020, involving four soybean farms.
soy, organic soy, organic soybean cultivation, soybean growing, EAFRD
DetailsExpanding crop rotation with soybeans
organic soy, soybean, organic soybean cultivation
DetailsWeed control: an important task in organic soybean production
The area devoted to soybean cultivation in Hungary has expanded in recent years, today covering some 60,000 ha. Organic soybean cultivation, meanwhile, has almost doubled in area, to around 1,800 ha.
organic soy, soybean, organic soybean cultivation, weed control
DetailsSoybean cultivation professional day in Püski, Hungary
On 7 September 2021, in Püski and Győrsövényház (Hungary), the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi) held an event focusing on the cultivation of organic soy, in conjunction with the Hungarian Soy and Protein Plant Association, which introduced a number of new varieties.
organic soy, soybean, organic soybean cultivation, soybean growing
DetailsAlternative technologies for soybean production
We have written about sowing soy as a second crop more than once already, as a new cultivation technology that still has a great deal of potential, both in terms of increasing the area under soy cultivation and of optimal land use.
soy, organic soy, organic soybean cultivation, soybean growing, organic agriculture in hungary, soy in Hungary