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2022. August 18. News

First event international presence – LIFE VineAdapt partners travel to Hungary for several days

16. August 2022

In the second year of the project, the international project partners from Hungary, Austria, France, and Germany were finally able to meet on-site in a partner country. The goal of the three-day trip was to visit the project sites in Hungary.

During the first day tour, two demonstration sites in Tokaj, Hétszőlő, and Disznókő were visited. Afterward, during a meeting at the Gróf Degenfeld Hotel, upcoming tasks, deadlines, milestones as well as matters related to further financial planning were discussed. The day was rounded off with a guided tour of the wine cellar as well as a tasting of the sweet wine specialties of the Gróf Degenfeld family, who run completely organic viticulture on their vineyard in Tarcal.

Photo: Hochschule Anhalt

The following day presented the opportunity to visit Eszterházy and Bence Soóváry demonstration sites in Eger.

All participants took advantage of the opportunity and had a lively exchange about current research results and project-relevant news during the trip, or immersed themselves in conversation with the local winemakers and scientists.

Photo: Landgesellschaft mbH


The LIFE project VineAdapt aims to help improve the resilience of vineyard ecosystems to climatic changes. Against this background, eight practical and research partners from Germany, France, Austria and Hungary are dedicating themselves to five joint work packages from July 2020 to June 2025. In addition, public relations measures and transnational knowledge transfer will complement the work.The project is co-financed with funds from the European environmental program LIFE and the Ministry of Economy, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt.

Source: https://www.life-vineadapt.eu/hu/hirek

Website: www.life-vinadapt.eu

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