International projects
International projects
Boosting the bioeconomy transformation for the BIOEAST region - BOOST4BIOEAST
Boosting the bioeconomy transformation for the BIOEAST region
RészletekInternational projects
European Partnership on Accelerating Farming Systems Transition - AGROECOLOGY
European Partnership on Accelerating Farming Systems Transition - Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures
RészletekInternational projects
Future innovation for pesticide use reduction in agriculture - FORTUNA
Future innovation for pesticide use reduction in agriculture
RészletekInternational projects
Improving yields in organic cropping systems - Organic Yields Up
Improving yields in organic cropping systems
RészletekInternational projects
Digitalisation supporting agroecology - PATH2DEA
Promoting digitalisation supporting agroecology in Europe
RészletekInternational projects
Developing the value chain of underutilized cereals and legumes - DIVINFOOD
Development of the short value chains of healthy plant based foods through the utilization of agrobiodiversity