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Completed on-farm researches

Completed on-farm researches
On-farm beekeeping research network

Today the honeybee parasite Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) causes the most serious economic damages to beekeepers. Varroa mite directly interferes into the life of bee colonies by feeding on the body fluid of bee larvae and imagos resulting in smaller, underdeveloped bees and shorter lifespan. In addition, the mite also spreads viruses, and by weakening the bee colony it makes bees susceptible to other pathogens as well. Through false orientation, robbing or the relocation of combs mites may get into new bee colonies. 

on-farm research, honeybee, varroe mite, organic honey


Completed on-farm researches
Comparison of regional tomato varieties

organic farming, organic food, organic agriculture, sustainability, organic, eco, landscape, landrace tomatoes, tomatoes, organic research


Completed on-farm researches
Possibilities of protection against cherry fruit flies

organic farming, plant protection, organic plant protection, cherry, fruit


Completed on-farm researches
Analysis of glumaceous cereal species and their (landrace) varieties

ömki, organic food, organic agriculture, healthy eating, sustainability, organic, eco, ancient cereals, organic grains, cereal


Completed on-farm researches
Soy variety, soil and seed treatment trials

ömki, organic agriculture, soy, organic soy



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