Completed international projects
Completed international projects
Farmer's Pride
Our global product supply rely on just a few, commonly cultivated plants, which are vulnerable to the increasingly extreme and unpredictable effects of climate change.
organic food, organic agriculture, organic, sustainable, climate change, landscape
RészletekCompleted international projects
Organic seed -
The aim of this four-year EU research project is to enhance organic seed use and plant breeding, thus increasing the performance and sustainability of organic farming.
ömki, organic farming, organic agriculture, sustainability, organic, eco, agriculture, seed, LIVESEED, plant breeding
RészletekCompleted international projects
Copper replacement - RELACS
As a system approach to sustainable agriculture, organic farming aims to effectively manage ecological processes whilst lowering dependence on off-farm inputs.
ömki, organic farming, organic agriculture, organic, sustainable, relacs
RészletekCompleted international projects
Solarvibes is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the EU.
ömki, organic farming, organic agriculture, organic, climate change, agricultural technology, eco-farming, organic crops
RészletekCompleted international projects
Organic processing - ProOrg
Selecting the best processing methods
ömki, organic farming, organic food, organic agriculture, organic, climate change, eco-farming, organic crops
RészletekCompleted international projects
Soil protection - Best4Soil
Healthy soils will play an essential role in the future in European horticultural and arable crop cultivation.
soil, soil protection, best4soil, compost, green manure, erosion, anaerobic disinfestation, biosolarisation