News OrganicAdviceNetwork project kick-off marks the beginning of the first European network of organic advisors
In April 2024, the OrganicAdviceNetwork project, funded by the European Commission and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, brought together 18 partners from various European countries in Brussels, at the IFOAM Organics Europe office, for a three-day event to plan the first steps of this Europe-wide initiative.
News Sustainable food systems - Short food supply chains and good practices from Hungary
CO-FRESH, short food supply chains
RészletekNews Organic Yields UP project launch – improving yields in organic cropping systems in Europe
The Organic Yields UP EU-funded project (2024-2028) officially began on 1 February and had its kick-off meeting from the 27th to the 28th of February 2024 hosted by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Frick, Switzerland. The meeting gathered 17 project partners from 13 European countries, initiating collaborative efforts to enhance yields in organic cropping systems across Europe.
What does ÖMKi do?
ÖMKi is the only independent organization in Hungary devoted specifically to sustainable agriculture. Since 2011, we have been working to ensure the competitiveness of organic food production in Hungary by practical research, authentic advices, consultation possibility and knowledge transfer, . We believe that the future belongs both to organic production methods that embrace tradition and the results of scientific research and innovation. We will explain why.
Why is organic good?
As a food production system organic agriculture prefers local resources and natural processes rather than external additives and artificial substances, which are harmful to the human body. Foodstuffs produced this way are diverse and nutritious, and producing them does not pollute our environment.
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Is good for health
Is good for the Earth
Is good for local producers
On-farm research
On-farm research means setting up simple experiments at operating farms, which are adjusted to the production goals defined by the farmers. The topic of the experiments is determined in cooperation with the participating farms. The main areas of research are arable farming, horticulture, viticulture and apiculture. Our network is unique in Hungary, and it was recognized with the Agricultural Development Award of the 78th OMÉK, the E.on Energy Globe Award in 2018 and the Certificate for the Protection of the Environment of the KSZGYSZ in 2019. Our unique on-farm project can be further extended until 2023 from the EU framework granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and the MNVH.